PH Embassy in Prague Launches Rizal-Blumetritt Walking Trail in Litoměřice Town as its Flagship Project to Highlight Historical Links in Philippine-Czech Friendship
Prague - The Philippine Embassy in this Czech capital launched the Rizal-Bluentritt heritage trail in neighboring Litoměřice, hometown of Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt, as its flagship project to promote general awareness of the historical links between the Philippines and the Czech Republic through the close friendship of Philippine national hero Jose Rizal and Prof. Blumentritt.
The Embassy has produced a brochure with a description and a map of 10 significant places that retrace the steps of Rizal and traveling companion Maximo Viola at the heart of Litoměřice during his May 1887 visit with his friend.
To set the project in motion Philippine Ambassador Victoriano M. Lecaros first introduced the Rizal-Blumentritt trail at the 2nd Regional Conference of the European Network of Filipino Diaspora (ENFiD) in Malta in August 2015. There he presented a copy to the Commission of Filipinos Overseas Chairperson (CFO) Secretary Imelda M. Nicolas and ENFiD regional conference organizers and participants represented by ENFiD Executive Director Rohlee de Guzman.
On 31 August, Mr. Lecaros presented the Rizal-Blumentritt trail to the diplomatic corps, government officials, members of the academe, business groups and Filipino community members who attended the launch of the “Literatura ng Pilipinas” edition of PLAV literary Magazine at the Czech Center in Prague. The occasion was graced by Jr. Deputy Foreign Miniser Jaroslav Ludva, former Area Commander of the Knights of Rizal in the Czech Republic and former Czech Ambassador to the Philippines.
First Secretary and Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr., representing the Embassy, commissioned Litoměřice artist Karel Macas to create the drawings and the map. The heart-shaped walking trail begins from the Litomeřice Bus Station, on to the Blumetritt and Rizal Bastion (Czech-Philippine Museum), the former house of Blumentritt, the Salva Guarda Hotel (Bust of Rizal), the Rizal Park and its own Bust of Rizal, the Old Railway Station (now Káva s párou Café), the Elbe River, the Bishop’s Residence and Cathedral, the German School where Prof. Blumentritt taught and Blumentritt’s Bust. It ends at the former Hotel Krebs where Rizal stayed during his visit.
Well-known graphic designer Pavel Botka worked on the lay-out for the leaflets in three languages: English, Filipino and Czech. He did the same with the corresponding posters. The Philippine Embassy in Prague worked hand-in-hand with the Czech Embassy in Manila under Czech Ambassador Jaroslav Olsa and his Deputy Mr. Jan Vytopil, who both gave additional inputs to the historical description of the trail.
The Philippine Embassy in Prague will make available the printed brochures at its premises as well as at the Info Centrum in Litoměřice and also online. The Embassy will organize a trip to Litoměřice town in October this year for the Filipino community members in Prague and environs to do the trail for a first-hand feel this little known facet of shared Filipino-Czech history.
For more details on the project, Consul Dayang may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. END
Philippine Ambassador Vic Lecaros introduced the Rizal-Blumentritt Trail on 31 August on the occasion of the launch of Plav Literary Magazine’s edition on “Literatura ng Pilipinas”. Photo shows (L-R) Amb. Lecaros, former Czech Ambassadors Stanislav Slavicky, Junior Deputy Minister Jaroslav Ludva, Josef Rychtar, who all served in Manila, current Ambassador Jaroslav Olša, Jr., and First Secretary & Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr.
The Rizal-Blumentritt Heritage Trail map was first introduced at the 2nd Regional Conference of the European Network of Filipino Diaspora (ENFiD) in Malta to Filipinos in Europe. Amb. Vic Lecaros presented the brochure to Secretary Imelda Nicolas of the Commission of Filipinos Overseas (CFO) on 2 August. Photo shows (L-R) ENFiD Executive Director Rohlee de Guzman, Amb. Lecaros, Secretary Nicolas, and First Secretary and Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr
Poster of Philippine-Czech Friendship designed by Pavel Botka with drawings by Karel Macas
Poster of Map designed by Pavel Botka with drawings by Karel Macas
Sample of the Rizal-Blumetritt Heritage Trail leaflets in the English language. These brochures are also available in the Filipino and Czech languages.