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Representing the interests of the Filipino people and securing visas and permits required to travel to the Philippines. Offer support international trade.

The head of office from 16 July 2018 is Ambassador Ombra T. Jainal.

Zastupování zájmů filipínských občanů a zajištění víz i povolení nutných k vycestování do Filipín. Nabídka podpory mezinárodního obchodu.

V čele úřadu od 16 cervenec 2018 je Am'basader Ombra T. Jainal.

Contact Information
Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines 

Senovážné Square 8, 110 00 Praha 1

Phone +420224216397, +420224216385
Services outside office hours +420607850764
Fax +420 224216390
Enamel pragueThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
GPS: N 5.16415 ° 50 'E 14 ° 25.89882'

Office Hours

From 9:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday. 
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays in the Philippines and the Czech Republic.


The Philippine Embassy in the Czech Republic was founded in January 1997.


Office of the Embassy, ​​which houses the office of ambassador, as well as economic, political, cultural and consular section is located on the second floor of the palace Kronbergského Senovážné Square 8, 110 00 Praha first

The office is accessible from the city center and near the famous Wenceslas Square and Old Town Square center. The nearest public transport station are within walking distance from embassies, including Henry's tram and metro line A (green line) station Mustek Metro line B (yellow line) in the Republic Square and the Main Railway Station, Metro Line C (red line).