PHL Booth Draws Crowds at the International Christmas Festival of the Diplomatic Spouses Association in Prague

07 December – The Philippine Embassy in the Czech Republic joined some 40 other Embassies and diplomatic representaions in the capital city, Prague, at the annual International Christmas Festival on 30 November 2015.  The Festival, which is known as the International Bazaar in its Manila counterpart event, was likewise organized by the Diplomatic Spouses Association(DSA) in this Central European capital.  The Philippine Embassy was  represented by Mrs. Melissa Lecaros, spouse of PH Ambassador Vic Lecaros.

Czech First LadyMrs. Ivana Zemanová opened the Festival, which raises funds every year through internet sales, the sale of entry tickets and of various goods at the booths of participating countries -- including an ASEAN booth too.  The funds thus raised are intended to help charitable organizations in the Czech Republic.

Participants at the Philippine Embassy booth included Filipino-owned retailers like SoleiMer Prague, with their high-end pearl jewelry from the Philippines and the Pnoy Taste of Asia, which sold Philippine dry goods and handicraft items. 

The Filipinos donated some 100,000 Czech koruna (US$4,000) from their sales proceeeds to the DSA.  END

 International Christmas Festival 2015

The Philippine booth drew long lines at the 2015 Prague International Christmas Festival

International Christmas Festival 2015 1


The Filipinos also joined the ASEAN booth at 2015 Prague International Christmas Festival