Philippine Ambassador Ombra T. Jainal presents the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Pillar to students and officials of the University of Economics in Prague at a Lecture entitled “ASEAN’s Economic Powerhouse in a Changing Global Order” on 03 December 2019.

Philippine Ambassador Ombra T. Jainal joined the Ambassadors of Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar and the Deputy Heads of Mission of Thailand and Vietnam at a lecture entitled “ASEAN as an Economic Powerhouse amidst Strategic Power Balance and Diversity” at the University of Economics, Prague on 03 December 2019.

Ambassador Jainal presented updates on the third pillar of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Community, the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, highlighting the diverse but united peoples and growing economies of the ASEAN.

Malaysian Ambassador Zanariah Bt Zainal Abidin presented the structure of the ASEAN Political – Security Community and provided updates on the issues and challenges that the ASEAN is currently addressing. Indonesian Ambassador Kenssy Dwi Ekaningsih provided the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific region and ASEAN’s response to its dynamics.

In presenting the second pillar – the ASEAN Economic Community - Vietnamese Deputy Head of MissionTran Thangh Huong stressed the growing skilled labor and expanding domestic market of the region that makes ASEAN as a major hub of manufacturing and trade and Myanmar’s Ambassador Kay Thi Soe highlighted ASEAN’s economic partnerships with dialogue partners and the European Union.

Thai Deputy Head of Mission Nattanipa Burusapat presented an overview of the ASEAN as an organization and achievements of Thailand’s Chairmanship in 2019.

The ASEAN Lecture is one of the many projects of the ASEAN Committee in Prague to raise awareness about the regional grouping and advance its interests in the Czech Republic. END.

AEP JAINAL with Malaysian and Indonesian Ambassadors

Ambassador Ombra T. Jainal (middle) flanked by Ambassador Zanariah Bt Zainal Abidin of Malaysia (left) and Ambassador Kenssy Dwi Ekaningsih of Indonesia (right) at the University of Economics in Prague on 03 December 2019

ASEAN Lecture panel

Professor Dr. Tomas Petru, moderator of the lecture, presents the speakers (from left to right): Ambassador Kay Thi Soe (Myanmar), Ambassador Zanariah Bt Zainal Abidin (Malaysia), Ambassador Kenssy Dwi Ekaningsih (Indonesia), Ambassador Ombra T. Jainal (Philippines), Deputy Chief of Mission Nattanipa Burusapat (Thailand), and Deputy Chief of Mission Tran Thangh Huong (Vitenam).

ASEAN Lecture group photo

ASEAN Ambassadors joined by some of the students and faculty after the lecture at the University of Economics in Prague on 03 December 2019.