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Philippine Embassy Joins ASEAN Family Day Festivity in Prague
The ASEAN Committee in Prague (ACP), which consists of the Embassies of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam represented in Prague, Czech Republic, organized the ASEAN Family Day on 25 September 2015 at the Thai Ambassador’s Residence.
The ASEAN Embassies prepared local cuisine and organized games for more than 100 participants. The Philippine Embassy prepared delicacies such as palitaw, chicken adobo, and Philippine Arroz Valenciana.
The ASEAN Family Day is an annual get-together of ASEAN Embassies to promote the ASEAN community in the Czech Republic. END
Ambassador Vic Lecaros and Mrs. Lecaros (right) with ASEAN Ambassadors their spouses.
Indonesian Embassy officers and staff lead line dancing to the delight of guests.
ASEAN Family Day mustered more than 100 of their family members to a get-together at the Thai Ambassador’s Residence.
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2nd Invitation to BID
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PHL Embassy in Prague wins 3rd place in the 6th ASEAN Bowling Tournament
Staff members of the Philippine Embassy joined by members of the Filipino community pose for a souvenir photo at the Best Bowling Center in Zlicin, Prague.
09 Nov 2015 - The 6th ASEAN Bowling Tournament in Prague was held in October 2015 at the Best Bowling Center at the Metropole Center in Zlicin District.
The tournament, organized by the ACP (ASEAN Committee in Prague), included players from the staff members and families of the five (5) resident ASEAN Embassies in Prague as well as from members of their respective diaspora communities.
Malaysian Ambassador Nadzirah Binti Osman, as Chair of the ACP, rolled the ceremonial ball together with representatives from the Embassies of Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
Team Malaysia took first prize, Indonesia second, and the Philippines won the third prize.
Ms. Annabel Mysikova, a Filcom member, was awarded the Female Top Scorer of the tournament.
The bowling tournament, an annual event which started in 2010, was a huge success and further enhanced friendship and camaraderie among the ASEAN community in Prague. END
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Rizal-Blumentritt Heritage Trail Established in Litoměřice, Czech Republic to Celebrate Philippine-Czech Friendship
Ambassador Victoriano M. Lecaros reported to the Department that the Philippine Embassy in Prague formally launched the Rizal-Blumentritt Heritage Trail in the city of Litoměřice in North Bohemia, Czech Republic on Sunday, 11 October 2015 with a formal ceremony at the Kava s Parou Café. The Café, coincidentally, is itself located at the old Train Station where, in 1887, Philippine national hero Jose Rizal arrived from Germany and met his pen-friend Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt face-to-face for the first time.
The Heritage Trail project, spearheaded by First Secretary and Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr., commissioned local artist Karel Mačas to draw 10-points of interests in the 4-kilometer heart-shaped circular heritage trail in Litoměřice, passing through magnificent views of the picturesque Baroque city of Litoměřice starting from the Bus and Train Station, the Rizal-Blumentritt Bastion (Centro Rizal Museum), Blumentritt’s former home on Dlouha St., Rizal’s Bust at the Salva Guarda Hotel, the Rizal Park, the Labe River, the Bishop’s Palace and Cathedral, the Secondary School where Blumentritt taught and ending at the Peace Square to view the former Krebs Hotel where Rizal stayed during his visit with Dr. Maximo Viola in May 1887.
The Embassy circulated three brochures of the Trail in the Filipino, Czech and English languages. Attending the launch were Litoměřice Mayor Ladislav Chlupáč and his wife, Instituto Cervantes Director Ramiro Villapadierna, artist Karel Mačas and his family, Embassy officers & staff and members of the Filipino community numbering nearly a hundred participants.
The Embassy provided two transport buses for the Filipino community members, friends, and their family members from Prague to Litoměřice and back. The Philippine contingent attended the 10:00 o’ clock morning mass at the Cathedral.
Lunch and the formal launch of the Rizal Trail at the Kava s Parou followed soon after, then hitting the road on foot for 2 hours or so. Consul Dayang and Litoměřice resident and Filcom member Rosa Delma Machackova acted as tour guides. Everyone ended at the Rizal-Blumentritt bastion, where refreshments were served. Filipino community members and their three guitarists, Kyle Cordenete, Vhenz Millares and Jake Ramones, spontaneously broke into patriotic songs there.
The Embassy turned over the brochures and two panels of posters to the Bastion to complement the ongoing work of the City of Litoměřice in promoting Philippine-Czech friendship through the legacy of Rizal and Blumentritt. END.
The Rizal-Blumentritt Heritage Trail brochure in English.
Ambassador Victoriano M. Lecaros and Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr. with the Philippine contingent attend mass
at the St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Litoměřice.
(l-r) Mr. Karel Macas, Artist; Instituto Cervantes Director Ramiro Villapadierna, Litoměřice Mayor Ladislav Chlupáč; Mrs. Chlupáč;
Ambassador Victoriano M. Lecaros; and Ms. Jana Vácaguá from the Mayor’s Office.
Members of the Filipino community with Embassy officals at the Rizal Park in Litoměřice.
Rizal-Blumentritt bastion where Filipinos had refreshments and sang patriotic songs.
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PH Embassy in Prague Promotes Women’s Rights and Reemphasizes Campaign Against Human Trafficking, in Partnership with NGO’s Migrace and La Strada
11 October 2015, Litoměřice, Czech Republic. — The Philippine Embassy in Prague organized a Forum on Migrant Worker’s Rights, focusing on the rights of women and reemphasized its campaign against Human Trafficking to more than 80 Filipino community members who gathered in the Czech city of Litoměřice, home base of Jose Rizal’s best-known European friend, Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt, as part of the Embassy’s Gender and Development Program.
Philippine Ambassador Vic Lecaros reported to the Department that a majority or 75% of Filipinos in the Czech Republic consists of women; therefore, any program related to migrant rights must have a special focus on women. Around 80 FilCom members attended the Forum.
The Philippine Embassy partnered with two leading non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) in the Czech Republic, namely the Association for Integration and Migration (MIGRACE) and the La Strada International (LSI), a European NGO network against trafficking in human beings with eight member organizations in countries, among them Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, The Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine.
Ambassador Lecaros encouraged the Filipino community to learn from the two experts namely, Ms. Magda Faltová, Director of MIGRACE, who gave a presentation on the rights of migrant (particularly women) workers and ending violence against women in the Czech Republic and Ms. Marketa Hronkova, Director of LSI-Czech Republic, who expounded on trafficking in persons, its elements, and providing advice on how to spot “red flags” that may lead to trafficking.
In its campaign against human trafficking, the Philippine Embassy, represented by Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr. will work with LSI in promoting awareness about trafficking in persons among Filipino women, particularly household workers and massage therapists in the Czech Republic, to ensure their awareness of their rights and their welfare. The Embassy also gives special focus on Household Workers of resident diplomats and looking after them in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
The Embassy’s Assistance-to-Nationals and GAD (Gender and Development) Focal Person is Attaché Milette Socorro-Olimpo.
Ambassador Vic Lecaros speaks about Prague PE’s services on ATN
About 80 Filipino community members attend the forum on workers’ rights and anti-human trafficking.
(top) Ms. Magda Faltova, Director, Association for Integration and Migration talks to Filipinos about the laws on work permits. Ms. Marketa Hronkova, Director, La Strada Czech Republic explains red flag signs of human-trafficking